NintendO-Week 2024

Letter from the Coords

O-Week is meant to be an exciting (borderline transcendent) introduction to all aspects of Rice life, including academics, social life and extracurriculars. We have created this book as a short preview to the Lovett team that will welcome you in August and that will become your family and support system for years to come. Throughout the book and the summer, you will see a common and recurring theme surrounding Lovett’s O-Week. This year’s Lovett O-Week theme is UNO-Week: Draw Your Own Hand! We believe that this theme encompasses the values that Lovett embraces during this introductory week. We hope to encourage all incoming Lovetteers to explore their passions and to form a community that allows them to push their creative bounds. As you all meet new people and are introduced to the vast array of opportunities available to you at Rice, we hope to equip you with skills and support systems to add to your hand as you go forth and explore. Beyond introducing you to the smiling faces you’ll see on move-in day and beyond, we hope this book will answer any questions you may have about Lovett, what to pack, and more.

We know that coming into a new place can be a frightening experience, and we’re here for you however you need, whether it’s to help with a packing list decision or to recommend good restaurants in the area. Feel free to contact us with questions, comments, or concerns at any point. We can’t wait to see you very soon!

Lots of Love(tt),
Brian Bishara, Anne Wang, and Eliana Yared


P.S. Follow our Instagram (@lovettoweek)!!

Congrats New Lovetteer,

We are so excited to welcome you to the Lovett and Rice community! We are your Nintendo-Week Coordinators: Brian Bishara, Anne Wang, and Eliana Yared. Some of you may be wondering what all the hype is around Lovett and other residential colleges. This arbitrary assignment to what is little more than a dorm may seem insignificant, but we promise it means so much more and will have a larger impact than you realize. Whether it be making sushi with Sensei, chats with Sharon in the mail room, the bustling of foosball and movies in Commons, or the amazing people that make up Lovett and Rice, we hope that you may call Lovett College home.

Mission Statement

As New Students arrive at Rice University, filled with excitement, nerves, and uncertainty, UNO-Week aims to equip them with community, support, and the confidence to explore. New Lovetteers arrive at the Toaster with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, each coming in with their own cards. As they matriculate into these hedges, we encourage every Lovetteer to reflect on their own experiences to craft a new hand throughout their time at Rice. We invite New Students to our Lovett Family Game Night to shape the way we play and add to our variety of traditions. In creating UNO-Week, we envision a welcome into Rice that emphasizes the following core values:

Community: We hope to show New Students that Lovett College is truly their home for the next 4 years and beyond. Their advisors and peers will always be a source of support and an expansive deck for the vast resources available to them at Rice.

Exploration: We hope to embolden each student to adventure beyond their own hand and to build upon the foundation that O-Week provides. UNO-Week advisors will be the first site of encouragement in creativity for New Students as they expand the bounds of their passions.

We hope that New Students will leave UNO-Week comfortable and confident in exploring new cards
and drawing their hand, knowing that Lovett College is rooting for them.

UNO Out!!

Group picture of Lovett New Students and Advisors during O-Week
Group picture of Lovett New Students and Advisors during O-Week
Lovetteers race Will Ricers during Tea Trike
Lovetteers race Will Ricers during Tea Trike
Lovett New Students cheer at Rice Rally
Lovett New Students cheer at Rice Rally